Chiudi Centro assistenza ONLYOFFICE Documents for Android Document Editor Document Editor complete documentation User guides ONLYOFFICE Workspace ONLYOFFICE Groups ONLYOFFICE Docs Mail Server Talk Module ONLYOFFICE Groups Documents Module People Module Commmunity Module CRM Module Projects Module Mail Module Calendar Module ONLYOFFICE Docs Document Editor Spreadsheet Editor Presenetation editor ONLYOFFICE Mobile Apps ONLYOFFICE Documents for iOS ONLYOFFICE Documents app for Android Overview Changelog Manage files Open or create new files and folders Share files and folders Document Editor Operazioni principali Navigate through your document Switch between editing modes Select, cut, copy, paste text Undo/redo your actions Formattazione della pagina Set page parameters Insert section breaks Insert page numbers Insert footnotes Insert endnotes Formattazione del paragrafo Align your text in a paragraph Apply formatting presets Select background color for a paragraph Change paragraph indents Set paragraph line spacing Create lists Formattazione del testo Set font type, size, and color Apply font decoration styles Add hyperlinks Fillable forms Fill out OFORM fillable forms Operazioni sugli oggetti Insert tables Insert autoshapes Insert images Insert charts Change text wrapping Manipulate objects Strumenti e impostazioni Collaborative document editing Protect documents with a password Spell-checking Use the Find and Replace function Download and print your document View document information Spreadsheet Editor Operazioni principali Navigate through your spreadsheet Select, cut, copy, paste data Undo/redo your actions Operazioni con fogli Create or delete sheets Manage existing sheets Formattazione del testo di cella Set font type, size, and color Add hyperlinks Modifica delle proprietà di cella Select cell background color Add cell borders Apply cell style Align data in cells Wrap text in a cell Merge cells Change number format Selective cell clear Modifica delle righe/colonne Remove rows/columns Hide or show rows/columns Resize rows/columns Sort and filter data Operazioni sugli oggetti Insert charts Insert images Insert formulas Insert autoshapes Manipulate objects Strumenti e impostazioni Collaborative spreadsheet editing Protect spreadsheets with a password Use the Find and Replace function Change spreadsheet settings Change regional settings Download and print your spreadsheet View spreadsheet information Presentation Editor Operazioni principali Mobile presentation viewer Navigate through your presentation Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects Undo/redo your actions Lavoro con diapositive Manage slides Set slide parameters Change presentation theme Change slide layout Apply transitions Change slide background Preview your presentation Formattazione del testo Insert text Set font type, size, and color Apply font decoration styles Align your text in a text box Set paragraph line spacing Create lists Add hyperlinks Operazioni sugli oggetti Insert tables Insert autoshapes Insert images Insert charts Manipulate objects Strumenti e impostazioni Collaborative presentation editing Protect presentations with a password Spell-checking Use the Find and Replace function Change presentation settings Change application settings Download your presentation Print your presentation View presentation information ONLYOFFICE Projects for iOS ONLYOFFICE Projects for Android ONLYOFFICE Web Editors Glossario Video FAQ Generale Tecnologia Prezzi Workspace Enterprise Edition Docs Enterprise Edition Docs Developer Edition ONLYOFFICE Groups Connectors Align your text in a paragraph formattazione paragrafo Aggiungere bordi Allineare testo nella riga o paragrafo Modificare rientri di paragrafo Copiare/cancellare la formattazione del testo Inserire un capolettera Inserire interruzione di pagina Selezionare colore sfondo per un paragrafo Impostare interlinea di paragrafo More articles Impostare un livello di struttura del paragarfo Impostare le tabulazioni Align your text in a paragraph Apply formatting presets Select background color for a paragraph Change paragraph indents Impostare interlinea di paragrafo Insert line breaks Create lists Align your text in a paragraph Apply formatting presets Select background color for a paragraph Change paragraph indents Impostare interlinea di paragrafo Create lists Align your text in a text box Change text indents Impostare interlinea di paragrafo Create lists Align your text in a paragraph Apply formatting presets Select background color for a paragraph Change paragraph indents Impostare interlinea di paragrafo Create lists Align your text in a text box Change text indents Impostare interlinea di paragrafo Create lists Align your text in a paragraph Apply formatting presets Select background color for a paragraph Change paragraph indents Impostare interlinea di paragrafo Create lists Align your text in a text box Change text indents Impostare interlinea di paragrafo Create lists Creating a hanging indent allineare testo Insert text objects Insert text objects Inserire e formattare testo Allineare dati in celle Allineare testo nella riga o paragrafo Align your text in a paragraph Change paragraph indents Align data in cells More articles Wrap text in a cell Align your text in a text box Change text indents Align your text in a paragraph Change paragraph indents Align data in cells Wrap text in a cell Align your text in a text box Change text indents Align your text in a paragraph Change paragraph indents Align data in cells Wrap text in a cell Align your text in a text box Change text indents Align your text in a paragraph Change paragraph indents Align data in cells Wrap text in a cell Align your text in a text box Change text indents place the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs you want the alignment to be applied to, open the text and paragraph settings panel by tapping the icon at the top toolbar, or tapping the option in the pop-up menu, on the Text tab, swipe up to see all the settings, select the alignment type you would like to apply: tap the Align Left icon to line up the text by the left side of the page (the right side remains unaligned). tap the Align Center icon to line up the text by the center of the page (the right and the left sides remains unaligned). tap the Align Right icon to line up the text by the right side of the page (the left side remains unaligned). tap the Justify icon to line up the text by both the left and the right sides of the page (additional spacing is added where necessary to keep the alignment). To clear applied formatting, you can use the Clear format option. close the text settings panel by tapping the icon on the right. Download Teach your robot to read View and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations of all popular formats Ti potrebbe essere d'aiuto anche... Chiudi