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ONLYOFFICE Talk for Windows

Installing ONLYOFFICE Talk for Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives

ONLYOFFICE Talkv12.0 ONLYOFFICE Talk changelog

Version 12.0.0

Release date: 05/25/2022

Common changes

  • Bug fixes.
  • Updated assemblies of included components.

Version 11.0.1

Release date: 12/10/2020

Bug fixes

  • Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements.

Version 11.0.0

Release date: 10/14/2020

Common changes

  • XMPP Server reworked for integration with ONLYOFFICE Groups (packaged as Community Server).


If you've installed the ONLYOFFICE collaboration platform without the ONLYOFFICE XMPP Server component, install the ONLYOFFICE Talk solution to use the instant messenger on your portal.

This guide will show you how to install ONLYOFFICE XMPP Server Linux version to your machine.

System requirements

  • Процессор
    двухъядерный с тактовой частотой 2 ГГц или лучше
  • Оперативная память
    не менее 2 Гб, но это зависит от ОС хоста. Чем больше, тем лучше
  • Свободное место на жестком диске
    не менее 20 Гб
  • Операционная система
    amd64 дистрибутив Linux с версией ядра 3.10 или выше

Installing dependencies

Install ONLYOFFICE Community Server following this instruction.

Installing ONLYOFFICE Talk

As you already have added the GPG key and the ONLYOFFICE repository when installing ONLYOFFICE Community Server, just execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install onlyoffice-xmppserver
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