Voci con l'etichetta :
Provalo nel cloud

Navigate through your document

To scroll your document, swipe down/up. You can also touch and hold close to the right edge of the document until the scroll bar appears. The page indicator at the bottom of the screen shows the current page number.

To zoom in the document, use the stretch gesture: place two fingers on the screen and move them apart. The indicator displays the current zoom value as you move your fingers until you reach the Maximum zoom level.

To zoom out the document, use the pinch gesture: place two fingers on the screen and move them together. The indicator displays the current zoom value as you move your fingers until you reach the Minimum zoom level.

To switch to the mobile view, tap the Tools icon Tools icon at the top right corner and enable the Mobile View switcher. Now the document corresponds to the width of your screen.

Power up your iOS Create, edit and view documents, spreadsheets
and presentations of all popular formats
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