Copy/paste data, undo/redo your actions
operazioni di modifica di base
Spell checking
Manage files
Open or create new files and folders
Share files and folders
Navigate through your document
Select, cut, copy, paste text
Undo/redo your actions
Navigate through your spreadsheet
Select, cut, copy, paste, AutoFill data
Undo/redo your actions
Navigate through your presentation
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
Undo/redo your actions
Manage files
Open or create new files and folders
Share files and folders
Navigate through your document
Select, cut, copy, paste text
Undo/redo your actions
Navigate through your spreadsheet
Select, cut, copy, paste data
Undo/redo your actions
Navigate through your presentation
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
Undo/redo your actions
Manage files
Open or create new files and folders
Share files and folders
Navigate through your document
Select, cut, copy, paste text
Undo/redo your actions
Navigate through your spreadsheet
Select, cut, copy, paste data
Undo/redo your actions
Freeze panes
Navigate through your presentation
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
Undo/redo your actions
Navigate through your presentation
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
Undo/redo your actions
Manage files
Open or create new files and folders
Share files and folders
Navigate through your document
Select, cut, copy, paste text
Undo/redo your actions
Navigate through your spreadsheet
Select, cut, copy, paste data
Undo/redo your actions
Freeze panes
Navigate through your presentation
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
Undo/redo your actions
copia-incolla dati
Copiare/incollare testo, annullare/ripristinare azioni
Copiare/incollare testo, annullare/ripristinare azioni
Tagliare/copiare/incollare dati
Select, cut, copy, paste text
Select, cut, copy, paste, AutoFill data
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
Select, cut, copy, paste text
Select, cut, copy, paste data
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
Select, cut, copy, paste text
Select, cut, copy, paste data
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
Select, cut, copy, paste text
Select, cut, copy, paste data
Select, cut, copy, paste text and objects
annulla e ripristina
Use basic clipboard operations
To cut, copy and paste selected objects (slides, text passages, autoshapes) in the current presentation or undo/redo your actions use the corresponding options from the right-click menu, or keyboard shortcuts, or icons available at any tab of the top toolbar:
- Cut – select an object and use the Cut option from the right-click menu to delete the selection and send it to the computer clipboard memory. The cut data can be later inserted to another place in the same presentation.
- Copy – select an object and use the Copy option from the right-click menu or the Copy icon at the top toolbar to copy the selection to the computer clipboard memory. The copied object can be later inserted to another place in the same presentation.
- Paste – find the place in your presentation where you need to paste the previously copied object and use the Paste option from the right-click menu or the Paste icon at the top toolbar. The object will be inserted at the current cursor position. The object can be previously copied from the same presentation.
In the online version, the following key combinations are only used to copy or paste data from/into another presentation or some other program, in the desktop version, both the corresponding buttons/menu options and key combinations can be used for any copy/paste operations:
- Ctrl+C key combination for copying;
- Ctrl+V key combination for pasting;
- Ctrl+X key combination for cutting.
Use the Paste Special feature
Once the copied data is pasted, the Paste Special button appears next to the inserted text passage/object. Click this button to select the necessary paste option.
When pasting text passages, the following options are available:
- Use destination theme - allows to apply the formatting specified by the theme of the current presentation. This option is used by default.
- Keep source formatting - allows to keep the source formatting of the copied text.
- Picture - allows to paste the text as an image so that it cannot be edited.
- Keep text only - allows to paste the text without its original formatting.

When pasting objects (autoshapes, charts, tables) the following options are available:
- Use destination theme - allows to apply the formatting specified by the theme of the current presentation. This option is used by default.
- Picture - allows to paste the object as an image so that it cannot be edited.
Use the Undo/Redo operations
To perform the undo/redo operations, use the corresponding icons in the left part of the editor header or keyboard shortcuts:
Note: when you co-edit a presentation in the Fast mode, the possibility to Redo the last undone operation is not available.
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