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Protect presentations with a password

To protect your presentations in the Presentation Editor:

  1. Tap the Settings icon Settings icon in the right corner of the top toolbar.
  2. Tap the Protection icon Protection menu option.
  3. Enable the Set password switcher. Enter the required password and verify it.

    Set password

    Please note that the password cannot be restored. Please keep it in a safe place so as not to forget it.

  4. Apply the changes by tapping the checkmark in the upper right corner, close the settings panel and save the presentation.

Next time you open this presentation you will need to enter the password.

Open protected file

To change or delete the password in the Presentation Editor:

  1. Tap the Settings icon Settings icon in the right corner of the top toolbar.
  2. Tap the Protection icon Protection menu option.
  3. Erase the password and disable the Set password switcher to delete the password.
  4. Enter and verify the new password to change it.
  5. Apply the changes by tapping the checkmark in the upper right corner, close the settings panel and save the presentation.
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