Voci con l'etichetta :
Provalo nel cloud

Preview your presentation

To preview your currently edited presentation:

  • in the slide list select the slide you want to start the preview from,
  • tap the Preview icon icon at the top toolbar,
  • swipe left to advance the following slide, swipe right to return to the preceding slide, or use the navigation arrows on the top,

    If you enabled only the Delay option for the transitions between slides in the slide settings, the slides will advance automatically in a specified time interval during the presentation preview. If you enabled both the Start On Click and Delay options, the slides will advance automatically in a specified time interval, but you will also be able to swipe left to advance from a currently displayed slide to the next. To stop or resume automatic slide switching, use the Pause and Continue buttons on the top.

  • once the last slide of the presentation is reached, a black screen appears informing you that the presentation is finished. Tap the screen to exit from the Preview.
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