First you need to stop the ONLYOFFICE Community Server and ONLYOFFICE Control Panel Docker containers. This can be done using the Docker stop
sudo docker stop onlyoffice-community-server onlyoffice-control-panel
To remove the stopped containers use the following command:
sudo docker rm onlyoffice-community-server onlyoffice-control-panel
You need to have named the
ONLYOFFICE Community Server and
ONLYOFFICE Control Panel Docker containers using the Docker
--name option during the
installation. If you haven't done this, Docker will assign a name to the container by itself. Then the names of all the containers present in the system can be found using the command:
sudo docker ps -a
You can also remove all the Docker containers from your system using the following command:
sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -aq)
Warning This command will remove ALL the containers immediately. Please do not use it if you have other containers running that you do not want to remove.