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Insert equations Collaboration Sharing files and folders Co-editing presentations in real time Communicating in real time Commenting presentations Version history Plugins Plugin manager Edit an image Include a video Insert highlighted code Translate text Replace a word by a synonym Communicate while editing Use AI to write text Add pictures Tools and settings View presentation information Save/print/download your presentation Presentation Viewer Advanced settings of Presentation Editor View settings and navigation tools Search and Replace Function Spell-checking AutoCorrect features Protecting presentations with a password Enable support for video playback in ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors Helpful hints About Presentation Editor Supported formats of electronic presentations Keyboard shortcuts PDF Editor Program interface Introducing the PDF Editor user interface File tab Home tab Insert tab Comment tab View tab Plugins tab Basic operations Open an existing PDF or create a new document Filling out a form Edit PDF Collaboration Sharing files and folders Communicating in real time Commenting PDFs Draw freehand on a PDF Plugins Edit HTML Count words Find a synonym Translate text Read the text out loud Communicate while editing Tools and settings View PDF information Save/print/download your PDF Advanced settings of PDF Editor View settings and navigation tools Search function Helpful hints About PDF Editor Keyboard shortcuts ONLYOFFICE Mobile Apps ONLYOFFICE Documents for iOS ONLYOFFICE Documents for Android ONLYOFFICE Projects for iOS ONLYOFFICE Web Editors Glossary Video FAQ General Technology Pricing Workspace Enterprise Edition Docs Enterprise Edition Docs Developer Edition ONLYOFFICE Groups Connectors Trial period data processing Change number format Insert and edit charts Insert functions Use named ranges Sort and filter data Create and edit pivot tables Group data Conditional Formatting More articles Use formatted tables Create slicers for tables Remove duplicates Data validation Insert sparklines Insert array formulas Change number format Insert formulas Sort and filter data Change number format Sort and filter data Insert formulas Change number format Sort and filter data Insert formulas Change number format Sort and filter data Insert formulas Creating a chart from start to finish using functions Insert functions Use named ranges Use formulas in tables Insert formulas Insert formulas Insert formulas Insert formulas Insert array formulas using named ranges Use named ranges Insert functions math and trigonometry functions ABS function ACOS function ACOSH function ACOT function ACOTH function AGGREGATE function ARABIC function ASIN function More articles ASINH function ATAN function ATAN2 function ATANH function BASE function CEILING function CEILING.MATH function CEILING.PRECISE function COMBIN function COMBINA function COS function COSH function COT function COTH function CSC function CSCH function DECIMAL function DEGREES function ECMA.CEILING function EVEN function EXP function FACT function FACTDOUBLE function FLOOR function FLOOR.PRECISE function FLOOR.MATH function GCD function INT function ISO.CEILING function LCM function LN function LOG function LOG10 function MDЕTERM function MINVERSE function MMULT function MOD function MROUND function MULTINOMIAL function MUNIT function ODD function PI function POWER function PRODUCT function QUOTIENT function RADIANS function RAND function RANDBETWEEN function RANDARRAY function ROMAN function ROUND function ROUNDDOWN function ROUNDUP function SEC function SECH function SERIESSUM function SIGN function SIN function SINH function SQRT function SQRTPI function SUBTOTAL function SUM function SUMIF function SUMPRODUCT function SUMSQ function SUMX2MY2 function SUMX2PY2 function SUMXMY2 function TAN function TANH function TRUNC function SUMIFS function information functions CELL function ERROR.TYPE function ISBLANK function ISERR function ISERROR function ISEVEN function ISFORMULA function ISLOGICAL function More articles ISNA function ISNONTEXT function ISNUMBER function ISODD function ISREF function ISTEXT function N function NA function SHEET function SHEETS function TYPE function logical functions AND function FALSE function IF function IFERROR function IFNA function IFS function NOT function OR function More articles SWITCH function How to switch between two languages in a table TRUE function XOR function Using the IF and AND functions lookup and reference functions ADDRESS function CHOOSE function COLUMN function COLUMNS function HLOOKUP function HYPERLINK function INDEX function INDIRECT function More articles FORMULATEXT function LOOKUP function MATCH function OFFSET function ROW function ROWS function TRANSPOSE function VLOOKUP function XLOOKUP function HSTACK function TOCOL function TOROW function VSTACK function WRAPCOLS function WRAPROWS function CHOOSEROWS function CHOOSECOLS function DROP function TAKE function statistical functions AVEDEV function AVERAGE function AVERAGEA function AVERAGEIF function AVERAGEIFS function BETADIST function BETA.DIST function BETA.INV function More articles BETAINV function BINOMDIST function BINOM.DIST function BINOM.DIST.RANGE function BINOM.INV function CHIDIST function CHIINV function CHISQ.DIST function CHISQ.DIST.RT function CHISQ.INV function CHISQ.INV.RT function CHITEST function CHISQ.TEST function CONFIDENCE function CONFIDENCE.NORM function CONFIDENCE.T function CORREL function COUNT function COUNTA function COUNTBLANK function COUNTIF function COUNTIFS function COVAR function COVARIANCE.P function COVARIANCE.S function CRITBINOM function DEVSQ function EXPON.DIST function EXPONDIST function F.DIST function FDIST function F.DIST.RT function F.INV function FINV function F.INV.RT function FISHER function FISHERINV function FORECAST function FORECAST.ETS function FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT function FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY function FORECAST.ETS.STAT function FORECAST.LINEAR function FREQUENCY function FTEST function F.TEST function GAMMA function GAMMA.DIST function GAMMADIST function GAMMA.INV function GAMMAINV function GAMMALN function GAMMALN.PRECISE function GAUSS function GEOMEAN function GROWTH function HARMEAN function HYPGEOMDIST function HYPGEOM.DIST function INTERCEPT function KURT function LARGE function LINEST function LOGEST function LOGINV function LOGNORM.DIST function LOGNORM.INV function LOGNORMDIST function MAX function MAXA function MAXIFS function MEDIAN function MIN function MINA function MINIFS function MODE function MODE.MULT function MODE.SNGL function NEGBINOMDIST function NEGBINOM.DIST function NORMDIST function NORM.DIST function NORMINV function NORM.INV function NORMSDIST function NORM.S.DIST function NORMSINV function NORM.S.INV function PEARSON function PERCENTILE function PERCENTILE.EXC function PERCENTILE.INC function PERCENTRANK function PERCENTRANK.EXC function PERCENTRANK.INC function PERMUT function PERMUTATIONA 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function PRICE function PRICEDISC function PRICEMAT function PV function RATE function RECEIVED function RRI function SLN function SYD function TBILLEQ function TBILLPRICE function TBILLYIELD function VDB function XIRR function XNPV function YIELD function YIELDDISC function YIELDMAT function engineering functions BESSELI function BESSELJ function BESSELK function BESSELY function BIN2DEC function BIN2HEX function BIN2OCT function BITAND function More articles BITLSHIFT function BITOR function BITRSHIFT function BITXOR function COMPLEX function CONVERT function DEC2BIN function DEC2HEX function DEC2OCT function DELTA function ERF function ERF.PRECISE function ERFС function ERFC.PRECISE function GESTEP function HEX2BIN function HEX2DEC function HEX2OCT function IMABS function IMAGINARY function IMARGUMENT function IMCONJUGATE function IMCOS function IMCOSH function IMCOT function IMCSC function IMCSCH function IMDIV function IMEXP function IMLN function IMLOG10 function IMLOG2 function IMPOWER function IMPRODUCT function IMREAL function IMSEC function IMSECH function IMSIN function IMSINH function IMSQRT function IMSUB function IMSUM function IMTAN function OCT2BIN function OCT2DEC function OCT2HEX function database functions DAVERAGE function DCOUNT function DCOUNTA function DGET function DMAX function DMIN function DPRODUCT function DSTDEV function More articles DSTDEVP function DSUM function DVAR function DVARP function Return to previous page Try now for free Try and make your decision No need to install anythingto see all the features in action