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a form Edit PDF Collaboration Sharing files and folders Communicating in real time Commenting PDFs Draw freehand on a PDF Plugins Edit HTML Count words Find a synonym Translate text Read the text out loud Communicate while editing Tools and settings View PDF information Save/print/download your PDF Advanced settings of PDF Editor View settings and navigation tools Search function Helpful hints About PDF Editor Keyboard shortcuts ONLYOFFICE Mobile Apps ONLYOFFICE Documents for iOS ONLYOFFICE Documents for Android ONLYOFFICE Projects for iOS ONLYOFFICE Web Editors Glossary Video FAQ General Technology Pricing Workspace Enterprise Edition Docs Enterprise Edition Docs Developer Edition ONLYOFFICE Groups Connectors Trial period AVERAGEIF Function statistical functions AVEDEV function AVERAGE function AVERAGEA function AVERAGEIF function AVERAGEIFS function BETADIST function BETA.DIST function BETA.INV function More articles BETAINV function BINOMDIST function BINOM.DIST function BINOM.DIST.RANGE function BINOM.INV function CHIDIST function CHIINV function CHISQ.DIST function CHISQ.DIST.RT function CHISQ.INV function CHISQ.INV.RT function CHITEST function CHISQ.TEST function CONFIDENCE function CONFIDENCE.NORM function CONFIDENCE.T function CORREL function COUNT function COUNTA function COUNTBLANK function COUNTIF function COUNTIFS function COVAR function COVARIANCE.P function COVARIANCE.S function CRITBINOM function DEVSQ function EXPON.DIST function EXPONDIST function F.DIST function FDIST function F.DIST.RT function F.INV function FINV function F.INV.RT function FISHER function FISHERINV function FORECAST function FORECAST.ETS function FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT function FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY function FORECAST.ETS.STAT function FORECAST.LINEAR function FREQUENCY function FTEST function F.TEST function GAMMA function GAMMA.DIST function GAMMADIST function GAMMA.INV function GAMMAINV function GAMMALN function GAMMALN.PRECISE function GAUSS function GEOMEAN function GROWTH function HARMEAN function HYPGEOMDIST function HYPGEOM.DIST function INTERCEPT function KURT function LARGE function LINEST function LOGEST function LOGINV function LOGNORM.DIST function LOGNORM.INV function LOGNORMDIST function MAX function MAXA function MAXIFS function MEDIAN function MIN function MINA function MINIFS function MODE function MODE.MULT function MODE.SNGL function NEGBINOMDIST function NEGBINOM.DIST function NORMDIST function NORM.DIST function NORMINV function NORM.INV function NORMSDIST function NORM.S.DIST function NORMSINV function NORM.S.INV function PEARSON function PERCENTILE function PERCENTILE.EXC function PERCENTILE.INC function PERCENTRANK function PERCENTRANK.EXC function PERCENTRANK.INC function PERMUT function PERMUTATIONA function PHI function POISSON function POISSON.DIST function PROB function QUARTILE function QUARTILE.EXC function QUARTILE.INC function RANK function RANK.AVG function RANK.EQ function RSQ function SKEW function SKEW.P function SLOPE function SMALL function STANDARDIZE function STDEV function STDEV.S function STDEVA function STDEVP function STDEV.P function STDEVPA function STEYX function TDIST function T.DIST function T.DIST.2T function T.DIST.RT function T.INV function T.INV.2T function TINV function TRIMMEAN function TREND function TTEST function T.TEST function UNIQUE function VAR function VARA function VARP function VAR.P function VAR.S function VARPA function WEIBULL function WEIBULL.DIST function ZTEST function Z.TEST function Using the AVERAGE function The AVERAGEIF function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to analyze the range of data and find the average value of all numbers in a range of cells, based on the specified criterion. Syntax AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range]) The AVERAGEIF function has the following arguments: Argument Description range The selected range of cells to apply the criterion to. criteria The criterion you wish to apply, a value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. average_range The selected range of cells you need to find the average in. Notes average_range is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will find the average in range. How to apply the AVERAGEIF function. Examples The figure below displays the result returned by the AVERAGEIF function. Return to previous page Try now for free Try and make your decision No need to install anythingto see all the features in action