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Getting Started Portal notifications: manageable notifications Managing portal subscriptions User guides ONLYOFFICE Workspace General questions ONLYOFFICE Groups ONLYOFFICE Docs ONLYOFFICE Mail ONLYOFFICE Talk ONLYOFFICE Personal ONLYOFFICE Groups Documents Module People Module Community Module CRM Module Projects Module Mail Module Calendar Module Feed Tool ONLYOFFICE Docs All Editors Document Editor Spreadsheet Editor Presentation Editor PDF Editor ONLYOFFICE Mobile Apps ONLYOFFICE Documents for iOS ONLYOFFICE Documents for Android ONLYOFFICE Projects for iOS ONLYOFFICE Projects for Android ONLYOFFICE Web Editors ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Glossary Video FAQ General Technology Pricing Workspace Enterprise Edition Docs Enterprise Edition Docs Developer Edition ONLYOFFICE Groups Connectors Trial period Portal notifications: non-manageable notifications portal notifications Changing SMTP settings for ONLYOFFICE Groups Managing portal subscriptions Portal notifications: manageable notifications Portal notifications: non-manageable notifications non-manageable notifications Portal notifications: non-manageable notifications general notifications Portal notifications: non-manageable notifications portal owner notifications Portal notifications: non-manageable notifications project-related notifications Portal notifications: non-manageable notifications notifications Calendar. Getting Started Community. Getting Started Get a panoramic picture of multitask activities How to set or remove an event reminder? Managing portal subscriptions Projects. Getting Started Several ways to communicate with team using Talk Talk. Getting Started More articles Portal notifications: manageable notifications Portal notifications: non-manageable notifications Online office notifications are made to provide you with information about every change at your portal as well as remind you of some event. There are two groups of notifications: manageable notifications non-manageable notifications Non-manageable notifications The second group is formed by notifications you can't manage and will receive in any case by email. Such notifications can be combined into three types: General Notifications Password reminder You receive it if you can't recall your password for the portal, click the 'Forgot your password?' link and enter your email address into the appropriate field of the opened window. Welcoming notifications If you created a portal, were added or joined a portal, you'll receive an email with a link to it. Change of profile You receive this notification if a portal administrator has changed some details in your profile on the portal. Change of password You receive this notification if a request for changing your password for the portal has been made. Change of email address You receive this notification if a request for changing your email address you use to access the portal has been made. Portal Owner Notifications (available for portal owners only) Change of portal status If you decide to temporary deactivate your portal or even permanently delete it, you will need to confirm this operation following a link from the email. Change of portal address You'll receive this notification to confirm the change of the portal address following a link from the email. Change of portal owner Only portal owners themselves can change the portal owner. You will need to confirm this operation following a link from the email. Portal backup created In this email you'll receive a link where you can download the backup of your portal. Please bear in mind, that this link will expire when the specified period of time passes. Project-related Notifications Project team As soon as you are appointed as a project manager, added to a project team or removed from it, you will be informed about it by email. Discussions If you are a project team member or are invited to a discussion, you will be notified if a project-related discussion was created, edited, or a comment was added to it. Milestones Project managers will be informed if the milestone due date comes up or a milestone is overdue. Tasks If after creating a task and assigning it to you a project manager or a project team member checked the 'Notify' box, you will be informed about the new tasks assigned to you. You will be reminded about your task by email when the project manager clicks the icon next to the task and selects the 'Notify responsible' option or the deadline comes up. You will be automatically subscribed to comments added to the task that was assigned to you. Being a project manager, you'll be notified when any team member closes his task or creates a new one. Subtasks As a project team member, you will be informed about assigning a new subtask to you and creating other subtasks within a task (if one of the subtasks is assigned to you). Being a project team member, you will be notified about changing the subtask status (if one of the subtasks is assigned to you): closing, resuming, deleting.