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Try in the cloud
Try in the cloud

Performing group operations

Want to save time while managing your contacts within the CRM module? Use group operations to delete, create new tasks, send an email, add a tag to several contacts at once! Read the instructions below on how to do that.

Bare Bones Instructions

To perform one of the group operations with your contacts, please follow the easy steps below:

  1. Enter your portal using your login details.
  2. Click the CRM link on the start page. The contacts list will open by default.
  3. Check the boxes next to the contacts you want to perform an operation with. If you want to select all the contacts from the list, check the box above the list.
  4. Click the needed button at the top:
    • Send Email to carry out a bulk mailing.
    • Add Tag to select an existing tag or create a new one and mark the checked contacts with it.
    • Create New Task to create several equal tasks linked with different contacts.
    • Delete to delete the checked contacts from your client database.

After that the operation will be performed with the checked contacts from your contacts list.

Helpful Hints

Why can't I find the 'Send Email' button?

Probably you don't have administrator rights on your portal. This feature is available to portal or module administrators only.

What option should I select after clicking the 'Send Email' button?

Please refer to the Administration Guides section of our Help Center to read further instructions.

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