Wish to protect the data stored on your portal and prevent any unauthorized access? Then make use of an extra security level enabling two-factor authentication. In this case if someone decides to hack into your ONLYOFFICE account even having your password he will need your phone to access it. This guide will explain how it works and how to enable this option.
For the SaaS version, the SMS provider used on your portal is selected depending on the portal region: smsc is used for CIS, Clickatell and Twilio are used for all other regions. You can add available SMS providers in the Settings -> Integration -> Third-Party Services section.
If you are using the server version, you first need to connect at least one SMS provider in the Settings -> Integration -> Third-Party Services section so that you can enable the Two-factor authentication option.
It's also possible to enable two-step verification with authenticator apps.
To enable two-factor authentication you must be the portal owner or full access administrator.