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ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors

How to install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors for Mac OS?

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editorsv8.1 ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors changelog

Version 8.1.1

Release date: 07/17/2024

Version 8.1.0

Release date: 06/19/2024

Version 8.0.1

Release date: 02/26/2024

Version 8.0.0

Release date: 01/31/2024

Version 7.5.1

Release date: 11/14/2023

Version 7.5.0

Release date: 10/17/2023

Version 7.4.1

Release date: 07/31/2023

Version 7.4.0

Release date: 06/14/2023

Version 7.3.3

Release date: 03/16/2023

Version 7.3.0

Release date: 01/31/2023

Version 7.2.1

Release date: 10/21/2022

Version 7.2.0

Release date: 09/23/2022

Version 7.1.1

Release date: 06/02/2022

Version 7.1.0

Release date: 05/13/2022

Version 7.0.0

Release date: 01/18/2022

Version 6.4.2

Release date: 10/19/2021

Version 6.4.1

Release date: 10/01/2021

Version 6.3.1

Release date: 06/28/2021

Version 6.2.0

Release date: 03/18/2021

Version 6.1.0

Release date: 12/08/2020

Version 6.0.2

Release date: 11/19/2020

Version 6.0.1

Release date: 11/11/2020

Version 6.0.0

Release date: 10/15/2020

Version 5.6.4

Release date: 09/09/2020

Version 5.6.0

Release date: 08/11/2020

Version 5.5.1

Release date: 04/09/2020

Version 5.4.2

Release date: 11/28/2019

Version 5.4.1

Release date: 10/02/2019

Version 5.3.5

Release date: 08/26/2019

Version 5.3.3

Release date: 07/10/2019

Version 5.2.8

Release date: 01/18/2019

Version 5.2.4

Release date: 12/21/2018

Version 5.1.27

Release date: 05/23/2018

Version 4.8.7

Release date: 02/14/2018

Version 4.8.6

Release date: 12/23/2017

Version 4.4.1

Release date: 07/12/2017

Version 4.3.2

Release date: 04/13/2017

Version 4.2.2

Release date: 02/16/2017

Version 4.2.1

Release date: 12/20/2016

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is an open-source office suite distributed under AGPL v.3. The application does not require constant connection to the Internet and allows to work with documents stored on your computer. This guide describes how to install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on your Mac.

Downloading the latest version

Open the Downloads page of our official website in a web browser.

Click the Download button in the Mac OS section. Wait while the download process is finished.

Installing Desktop Editors

  1. Click the Finder icon in the Dock, then click Downloads in the Finder sidebar.
  2. In the Downloads folder, double-click the ONLYOFFICE.dmg file to open it. ONLYOFFICE will appear in the Finder sidebar and a new window will open:

    ONLYOFFICE dmg window

  3. Drag the ONLYOFFICE app to the Applications folder to install it.
  4. Once the copying process is finished, right-click ONLYOFFICE in the Finder sidebar and choose the Eject “ONLYOFFICE” option.
  5. Remove ONLYOFFICE.dmg from Downloads: right-click it and choose the Move to Trash option.

Running Desktop Editors

  1. Click the Finder icon in the Dock, then click Applications in the Finder sidebar.
  2. Double-click ONLYOFFICE in the Applications folder.

When the app is launched for the first time, it will be verified and you will be asked if you're sure you want to open it. Click the Open button in the warning window to run the application.

In future, you will be able to open the app by double-clicking it in the Applications folder without appearing any warnings. It’s also possible to run the app using the ONLYOFFICE icon in the Dock.

Uninstalling Desktop Editors

  1. Click the Finder icon in the Dock, then click Applications in the Finder sidebar.
  2. Drag the ONLYOFFICE app from the Applications folder to the Trash.
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