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Try in the cloud

Connecting LinkedIn to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace

Connect the LinkedIn service to log in to your space quickly.

Creating authorization keys

In the cloud version, the authorization keys parameters for LinkedIn are set up automatically.

In the server version, you will have to setup authorization keys for LinkedIn. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to LinkedIn Developers website;
  2. Sign in to your account;
  3. Click the Create application button;
  4. Fill out all the fields marked with the red sign and click the Submit button;
  5. Check the r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress options in the Default Application Permissions section;
  6. Introduce "" in the Authorized redirect URLs field, click the Add button, then click Update at the bottom of the page to save the changes;
  7. Copy or write down the Client ID and Client Secret in the Authentication Keys section.

Connecting LinkedIn to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace

  1. In the server version, click the Options icon menu in the lower left corner and select the Settings option.
  2. Switch to the Integration tab.
  3. In the Third-party services section, click the sliding button to the right of the LinkedIn logo.
  4. Enter your keys and click the Connect button.

To sign in via LinkedIn,

  1. Go to your 'Profile' page clicking the link with your name in the lower left corner of the page.
  2. On your 'Profile' page, find the 'Сonnect your social networks' caption, choose the LinkedIn service and click the 'Connect' button.
  3. In the opened window, grant the access to ONLYOFFICE application and enter the account credentials, if it's necessary.
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