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ONLYOFFICE Groups for Linux
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  • Usage issues
  • Configuration issues
  • CentOS issues
  • Ubuntu issues

Usage issues

Q:After I create and enter the portal, I can see an unknown user in the People module with the 'fake user' name. There is also some OnlyofficeHealthCheck service in the services list. Why is this and do I need to do something about it?

A:The user and the service are a part of the upcoming Health Check functionality which will be available for the portals in the future releases. As for now it is not functional, so you can either leave it as is or disable the OnlyofficeHealthCheck service and remove it from the service automatic startup list.

Q:I need to backup my portal data. How can I do that?

A:First create a data backup manually by copying your data from the following directory:

  • /var/www/onlyoffice/Data

Then backup your SQL database using the following command:

mysqldump -h localhost -u [uname] -p[pass] [db_to_backup] > [backupfile.sql]

This SQL backup can be restored later using the command:

mysql -u [uname] -p[pass] [db_to_restore] < [backupfile.sql]

Q:I installed Community Server together with Control Panel and Docs, then uninstalled Docs and now Control Panel does not work.

A:You need to reset the connection paths to Docs and restart Community Server. Perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the /var/www/onlyoffice/WebStudio/ folder and open the web.appsettings.config file with a text editor.

    Clear the values of the following keys and save the changes.

    <add key="files.docservice.url.public" value="" />
    <add key="files.docservice.url.internal" value="" />
    <add key="files.docservice.url.portal" value="" />
  2. Reset the editor connection settings in the portal settings:

    Go to the page and press the Reset button.

  3. Restart the ONLYOFFICE monoserve service:
    sudo service monoserve restart

Configuration issues

Q:I installed ONLYOFFICE Groups, but all the captions on the portal are displayed wrong (some unknown characters instead of my language). What is this and how can I fix it?

A:This can be the result of the wrong server localization encoding at the moment the MySQL database was installed. For the correct portal language display it must be set to UTF-8. This can be done in two ways:

  • If you haven't installed ONLYOFFICE Groups yet

    change the system encoding using the following commands:

    sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales 
    sudo reboot

    And after that install ONLYOFFICE Groups and all of its prerequisites and components.

  • If you have already installed ONLYOFFICE Groups
    1. change the system encoding using the following commands:
      sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8
      sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales 
      sudo reboot
    2. update the language database so that it displayed correctly:
      mysql -u root -p
      USE onlyoffice;
      SELECT textValue FROM res_data WHERE cultureTitle='ru' LIMIT 1;
      DELETE FROM res_data;
      source /var/www/onlyoffice/Sql/onlyoffice.resources.sql
      service monoserve restart

      You will need to change the cultureTitle to your language name instead of 'ru'.

CentOS issues

Q:I cannot use full text search with ONLYOFFICE Groups under CentOS. How can set it up?

A:The full text search will be installed automatically when you run the script.

Q:After installing ONLYOFFICE Groups on CentOS 7 minimal I try to open it in a browser and get the following error: 502 Bad Gateway. How can I resolve this issue?

A:SELinux is enabled on Centos 7 minimal by default. That can be verified using the sestatus command. SELinux blocks NGINX access to the onlyoffice socket.

You can solve this issue in one of the following ways:

  1. Add exceptions for NGINX to SELinux.
    yum install -y policycoreutils-{python,devel}
    grep nginx /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M nginx
    semodule -i nginx.pp
  2. Disable SELinux.
    1. Open the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file using any text editor.
    2. Set the SELINUX value to SELINUX=disabled and save the changes.
    3. Reboot your server for the changes to take effect.

Ubuntu issues

Q:I cannot use full text search with ONLYOFFICE Groups under Ubuntu. How can set it up?

A:To set up full text search in ONLYOFFICE Groups under Ubuntu you will need to do the following:

  1. Install the latest version of sphinx. Read more details here on how to do that.
  2. Stop the sphinxsearch service using the following command:
    sudo service sphinxsearch stop
  3. Restart the onlyofficeIndex service:
    sudo service onlyofficeIndex restart

Automatic installation is not supported for Ubuntu due to the installator security restrictions.

Q:Talk does not work with 5222 port. How can I change it to another port?

A:To change port for Talk in ONLYOFFICE Groups under Ubuntu you will need to do the following:

  1. Locate the /var/www/onlyoffice/Services/TeamLabSvc/TeamLabSvc.exe.Config file and open it using a text editor.
  2. Change the bindPort string value of 5222 to another one:
    <property name="bindPort" value="5223" />
  3. Restart the onlyofficeJabber service:
    sudo service onlyofficeJabber restart
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