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Ajustes LDAP

Control Panel v3.5 ONLYOFFICE Control Panel changelog

Version 3.5.2

Release date: 02/29/2024


  • Added the ability to restrict access rights to the application files for the Others group.
  • Fixed issue with redirect to the portal main page when opening Control Panel after a day on Ubuntu 22.10.
  • Fixed retrieving data error when opening the backup page.
  • Fixed issue when backup with Mail is not performed after disabling and enabling encryption (added text about stopping services and the instruction to the Help Center).
  • Fixed issue when features are not saved to the new tariff when setting a quota for the portal.
  • Edited sources build.

Version 3.5

Release date: 03/14/2023


  • Changed API methods for migration, implemented progressQueue.
  • Changed settings for connecting third-party storages. Added tooltips for fields. Added the 'Server Side Encryption Method' block for Amazon AWS S3.
  • Added logos for dark theme in the Branding section. Logos for the About page are now separate fields in the Advanced tab.
  • Added the ability to set the portal memory quota.

Version 3.1.1

Release date: 08/08/2022


  • Fixed issue with file indexing.
  • Fixed elasticsearch container errors when updating ONLYOFFICE Groups.
  • Fixed issue with brand logos after updating in the Docker installation.
  • Fixed texts and layout for the Migration feature.

Version 3.1

Release date: 05/25/2022


  • Added the Data Import page that allows to import data from Nextcloud, ownCloud and GoogleWorkspace to ONLYOFFICE Workspace.
  • Moved Elasticsearch to a separate container.
  • Fixed bugs.

Version 3.0

Release date: 06/07/2021


  • License agreement dialog when installing docker components added.
  • The inactive button with an action for uninstalled components (downloading and installing the available version) fixed.


  • Indexing progress display added.

LoginHistory and AuditTrail

  • New empty screens added.


  • New checks when restoring data from a local or a 3rd party storage.


  • SSOAuth was removed from Control Panel. It's now available as a portal setting in Community Server.

General improvements and bug fixes

  • Bugs 47721, 49101, 49187, 49273, 49272, 49324, 46386, 49585 from the internal bugtracker fixed.
  • 3rd party licenses and copyright updated.

Version 2.9.1

Release date: 12/10/2020

Bug fixes

  • Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements.

Version 2.9

Release date: 10/14/2020


  • Control Panel is available in the free Community version with all settings excepting the editors logo replacement;
  • Added the vsyscall check to the installation scripts when installing Mail Server on Debian with kernel 4.18.0 and later;
  • Redesign of the navigation menu: added Common and Portal settings sections, added icons to menu items;
  • Added the advanced rebranding page in the Common Settings;
  • Added the possibility to reindex the full-text search;
  • Updated node.js, updated packages (transition to samlify for SSO);
  • Added the Encryption at rest block in the Storage section;
  • Added the Private Room section for the server version only;
  • Added the upgrade page with a proposal to upgrade to Enterprise Edition;
  • Added the activate page with a possibility to upload a license file;
  • Added the HideAuthPage option to the SSO settings to hide the authorization page. When the HideAuthPage option is enabled, an automatic redirect from the authorization page to the SSO service will occur.


  • Added the Sign in to domain option on the authorization page.

Single Sign-on

  • Transition to the new samlify library;
  • Added the HideAuthPage option to the SSO settings to hide the authorization page. When the HideAuthPage option is enabled, an automatic redirect from the authorization page to the SSO service will occur.

Version 2.7

Release date: 04/25/2019


  • Added more fields mapped for the users loaded via LDAP: user photo, birthday, contacts, primary phone number;
  • Added the setting to autosync LDAP on schedule;
  • Added the possibility to give administrator rights to the user group at the portal via LDAP;
  • Updated the rules for LDAP users.

Version 2.5.1

Release date: 04/07/2018


  • Fixed the Server internal error error when using the groups enclosed inside each other in the AD (bug #37414).

Single Sign-on

  • Fixed the issue when the user data between the Service Provider and the portal was transferred via HTTP only, even when HTTPS was enabled.

Version 2.4.0

Release date: 01/13/2018

Single Sign-on

  • Fixed the Invalid ssoConfig error which occurred when the link to the IdP contained the question mark '?', e.g.: IdP Single Sign-On Endpoint URL:;
  • Fixed the Invalid authentication token error which prevented from adding a user to the portal using the AD FS, in case the + or - characters were present when sending the encrypted data.

Version 2.3.0

Release date: 12/15/2017


  • Added the changelog for Control Panel and link to it;
  • Fixed the bug when JWT parameters were not sent when updating Document Server(bug #36270);
  • Fixed the bug when Audit Trail heading was present at the login history page (bug #36026);
  • The current machine is now checked for being linked with the domain name for multiple portals.


  • Fixed the bug with the LDAP Domain not found error which occurred if the DN record had no DC records (the users with Sun/Oracle DS were affected); now if the LDAP domain could not be specified, the LDAP domain will acquire the unknown value or the ldap.domain value from the web.appsettings.config configuration file;
  • Fixed the bug with the Sizelimit Exceeded error when trying to get more than 1000 users from the Active Directory;
  • Increased the login speed with the Group Membership setting enabled;
  • Added additional logging;
  • Fixed the bug with LDAP operation hanging when using Mono v5.2.0 and older;
  • Fixed the bug with the error when trying to login using the email address entered in the fields different from the Mail Attribute;
  • Fixed the bug occurring in the enclosed groups, when the users were displayed not in all groups.

Version 2.2.0

Release date: 10/31/2017


  • Added the script launch when updating the document-server for the correct edited document saving.


  • Dramatically changed LDAP integration, migrated to the single library for the work with LDAP (Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard, Nuget, MIT);
  • Login and email are now split into two separate fields;
  • Added the support for big data;
  • Increased the work speed via the LDAP protocol (the connection to the server and receiving the data is now made once per session, added the limits when only a certain number of results is necessary, fixed the slow login for bit data, removed the sorting out used to find the SID parameter);
  • Fixed the user re-creation issue;
  • Fixed the duplicate username issue;
  • Fixed the already existing email issue;
  • Replaced the LDAP user deletion with account deactivation (for further data migration and data safety);
  • Instead of re-creating a user with an unknown SID but an existing email the data is updated;
  • Added the attempt to save the correct UserName/Login in case a similar one is already taken on the portal.

Single Sign-on

  • Added the AD FS support;
  • Replaced the Single Sign-on link at the authorization page with the customizable button, added the button customization to the SSO setting of the Control Panel.

Version 2.1.0

Release date: 07/03/2017


  • Added the support of letsencrypt service for the domain certificate generation.

Single Sign-on

  • Added the new sso.auth service;
  • Added the new SSO settings page;
  • Added the support for Shibboleth.

Version 2.0.0

Release date: 05/25/2017


  • The Control Panel migrated from MVC to Node.js.

Version 1.6.0

Release date: 12/05/2016


  • Added LDAP synchronization for users and groups when saving the settings, after login and using the Sync button;
  • Changed email formation for LDAP users;
  • Fixed the problem of creation of users with invalid emails;
  • Fixed the problem of duplicate users;
  • Added icons and hints to the users in the list for the admin;
  • Blocked for editing the user profile fields imported using LDAP;
  • Added the real LDAP password saving to the database during login in case LDAP Auth is disabled, now the LDAP users will become common portal users when LDAP Auth is disabled;
  • Added new API Settings method - Sync LDAP;
  • Added new translations;
  • Bug fixes.

Version for Windows

  • Made changes at the Update page for the Control Panel for Windows;
  • Updates are performed using the downloaded installation packages for each module.
  • The current installed component version numbers are obtained via API request to the Community Server.
  • The new versions available for download are obtained via the request to the file, where all the latest component version numbers and links for their download are stored in the JSON format.

Imaginemos. Usted es el propietario de una empresa pequeña o mediana y hace poco tiempo usted empezó a usar oficina online. Ante todo, usted necesita crear cuentas para todos los empleados de su empresa. Pero si su empresa cuenta con más de 50 personas, el proceso de creación de nuevos usuarios llevará mucho tiempo. Desde ahora usted no necesita preocuparse de esto, porque oficina online le ofrece la opción de Soporte LDAP que permite importar los usuarios y grupos de Active Directory a oficina online, literalmente, en unos minutos. Usuarios creados, a su vez, no necesitan memorizar contraseñas y logins nuevos, porque podrán acceder al portal usando sus credenciales de Windows.

La opción está disponible sólo para la versión de servidor.

¡Lea este artículo si quiere saber como configurar los ajustes LDAP!

Instrucciones básicas

  1. Vaya a la sección Ajustes. Para hacerlo pulse el icono icono Ajustes en la esquina derecha superior.
  2. Pase a la pestaña Integración.
  3. Abra la página Ajustes de LDAP.
  4. Marque la casilla Activar autenticación LDAP y rellene los campos necesarios:
    Aviso Note, por favor: si Ustedes ya han importado algunos usuarios y cambiado algunos ajustes (por ejemplo, Servidor, Filtro de usuarios, DN de Usuarios, Filtro de grupos, DN de Grupos), los usuarios existentes y todos sus datos, incluso documentos, correos etc. filtrados por estos ajustes nuevos, serán ELIMINADOS. Recomendamos encarecidamente crear una copia de seguridad antes de cambiar los ajustes.
    • introduzca DNS o la dirección IP de servidor en el campo Servidor,
    • especifique Número de puerto. De manera predeterminada, se fija en 389, pero usted puede cambiarlo (por ejemplo, puerto para la conexión SSL es 636),
    • especifique la ruta absoluta al directorio en el campo DN de usuario,
    • rellene el campo Filtro de usuario si usted quiere especificar un criterio de búsqueda,
      Usted puede encontrar los ejemplos de sintaxis de filtros búsqueda aquí.
    • los campos Atributo de enlace (un atributo que se usa para distinguir el objeto de usuario de otros objetos de Active Directory) y Atributo de login (un atributo que corresponde al login de Active Directory) están rellenados por defecto, pero usted puede introducir otros datos si es necesario.
  5. Marque la casilla Pertenencia a grupo si usted quiere añadir grupos del servidor LDAP/Active Directory a oficina online y rellene los campos necesarios:
    Aviso Note, por favor: si Ustedes ya han importado algunos usuarios y cambiado algunos ajustes (por ejemplo, Servidor, Filtro de usuarios, DN de Usuarios, Filtro de grupos, DN de Grupos), los usuarios existentes y todos sus datos, incluso documentos, correos etc. filtrados por estos ajustes nuevos, serán ELIMINADOS. Recomendamos encarecidamente crear una copia de seguridad antes de cambiar los ajustes.
    • introduzca la ruta absoluta al directorio en el campo DN de grupo,
    • usted puede especificar los grupos que usted quiere añadir en el campo Nombres de grupos usando la ruta relativa a DN de grupos separándolos por punto y coma,
    • los campos Atributo de usuario (un atributo que determina si este usuario es un miembro de grupos) y Atributo de grupo (un atributo que especifica a los usuarios del grupo) están rellenados por defecto, pero usted puede introducir otros datos si es necesario.
      Note, por favor, se añadirán sólo usuarios de estos grupos.
  6. Marque la casilla Autenticación si usted no tiene bastante derechos para leer los datos de servidor LDAP/Active Directory e introduzca los credenciales del usuario con derechos correspondientes.
  7. Pulse el botón Guardar.
  8. Pulse el botón Si, añadir usuarios en la ventana 'Añadir usuarios'.

El proceso de importación durará algún tiempo en función del número de usuarios, grupos, especificaciones de su ordenador etc.

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