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DocSpace SQL tables


All necessary information for the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace database is stored in tables.

Below you can find a list of the main ONLYOFFICE DocSpace tables.

Table Description Columns
Account connections via OAuth. id, uid, provider, profile, linked
User actions logs except for authorization. id, ip, initiator, browser, platform, date, tenant_id, user_id, page, action, description, target
Completed backups. id, tenant_id, is_scheduled, name, storage_type, storage_base_path, storage_path, created_on, expires_on, storage_params, hash, removed
Backup schedule. tenant_id, cron, backups_stored, storage_type, storage_base_path, last_backup_time, storage_params
List of allowed or prohibited actions for user groups (for example, the ability to change information about yourself). tenant, subject, action, object, acetype
List of user groups. tenant, id, name, categoryid, parentid, sid, removed, last_modified
Hashed settings. tenant, id, value, last_modified
List of users. tenant, id, username, firstname, lastname, sex, bithdate, status, activation_status, email, workfromdate, terminateddate, title, culture, contacts, phone, phone_activation, location, notes, sid, sso_name_id, sso_session_id, removed, create_on, last_modified
List of users who requested an address book from the Radicale server. This table is used to avoid updating the address book for all users simultaneously. tenant_id, user_id
Group membership of users. tenant, userid, groupid, ref_type, removed, last_modified
User photos. tenant, userid, photo
User passwords. tenant, userid, pwdhash, LastModified
Geolocation. id, AddrType, ip_start, ip_end, country, stateprov, district, city, zipcode, latitude, longitude, geoname_id, timezone_offset, timezone_name, processed
Newsline. id, tenant, product, module, author, modified_by, created_date, modified_date, group_id, json, keywords, aggregated_date, context_id
Latest news dates in modules. last_key, last_date
Modules read by users. user_id, timestamp, module, tenant_id
Correlation of the news feed with users. feed_id, user_id
Folder paths (for example, files/my/58a22c6f-e835-11ec-a200-d45d64a8bb3e). tenant_id, right_node, left_node
Range of formats for conversion (from which to which). input, output
List of files. id, version, version_group, current_version, folder_id, title, content_length, file_status, category, create_by, create_on, modified_by, modified_on, tenant_id, converted_type, comment, changes, encrypted, forcesave, thumb
List of folders. id, parent_id, title, folder_type, create_by, create_on, modified_by, modified_on, tenant_id, foldersCount, filesCount, private, has_logo
Tree of folders. folder_id, parent_id, level
Connection between a form and a document being filled out. source_id, linked_id, linked_for, tenant_id
Fillable fields in forms. tenant_id, entry_id, data
Security of documents, determining who has access to files and the type of access. tenant_id, entry_id, entry_type, subject, subject_type, owner, security, timestamp, options
List of document tags. id, name, owner, flag, tenant_id
Correlation between tags and documents. tenant_id, tag_id, entry_type, entry_id, create_by, create_on, tag_count
Connected third-party drives. id, provider, customer_title, user_name, password, token, user_id, folder_type, room_type, create_on, url, tenant_id, folder_id, private, has_logo
Connected third-party drives (used in the browser plugin). user_id, app, token, tenant_id, modified_on
Correlation of the document IDs in the third-party drives to the hashed IDs. hash_id, id, tenant_id
Active-passive hosted services. instance_registration_id, last_updated, worker_type_name, is_active
Logs of user actions related to authorization events. id, ip, login, browser, platform, date, tenant_id, user_id, page, action, description, active
Information about sending messages. notify_id, state, attempts, modify_date, priority
Queue for sending messages. notify_id, tenant_id, sender, reciever, subject, content_type, content, sender_type, reply_to, creation_date, attachments, auto_submitted
Telegram connections. portal_user_id, tenant_id, telegram_user_id
Forbidden tenants. address
List of addresses where tenants are available. id, tenant, ip, for_admin
Parent tenants. tenant_id, partner_id, affiliate_id, campaign
Tenant quota (available features, price, etc.). tenant, name, description, features, price, product_id, visible
Size of the tenant used space. tenant, path, counter, tag, last_modified, user_id
Tenant tariffs. id, tenant, stamp, customer_id, comment, create_on
List of tenants. id, name, alias, mappeddomain, version, version_changed, language, timezone, trusteddomains, trusteddomainsenabled, status, statuschanged, creationdatetime, owner_id, payment_id, industry, last_modified, spam, calls
Settings for webhooks. id, name, secret_key, tenant_id, uri, enabled
Logs of webhooks. id, config_id, creation_time, webhook_id, request_headers, request_payload, response_headers, response_payload, status, tenant_id, uid, delivery
Webstudio indexes for ElasticSearch. index_name, last_modified
Webstudio settings. TenantID, ID, UserID, Data
User visits to the modules. tenantid, visitdate, productid, userid, visitcount, firstvisittime, lastvisittime
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